France isn’t an obvious frontrunner in food recovery, but new legislation has helped catapult the nation to the top of t......
The Strength of Training and Applied Research on Specialized Sociology to Contribute to the Social S
With the common trend of integration and accelerated industrialization-modernization,especially in the context of the cu......
From the 1960s to the mid 1990s the dominant paradigm for rodent control was the widespread use of chemical rodentic......
On the basis of characterizing the current situation of theoretical research of library science in China, the authors su......
Mapping knowledge domains analysis of research topics of doctoral dissertations on Library Science i
Europe and the United States are considered to be the leaders in the field of Library Science research.Their doctoral di......
The paper describes firstly the principles and scientific train of thought involved in determining the significant seism......
Searching out old artifacts becomes big business as more ordinaryfolks get bitten by the collecting bug shu Wen had no i......
SEX has always been taboo in China, so the China 2003 Top 10 Items of Sex News chart is a sociological breakthrough. A ......
Large numbers of children become bilingual with the increasing population of migrant people from one country to another.......
An interview with Pan Suiming,China’s leading sex sociologist对话性社会学家潘绥铭In 1968,in the midst of the Cultural R......
A sociological study into the hopes and fears of one of China’s most vulnerable groups探究农民工群体真实的状态:对话马里......
In the last 10 years, China has madeconsiderable progress in urbanization withincreasing numbers of both city and urban......
PROFESSOR of sociology Dingxin Zhao of the University of Chicago’s book The ConfucianLegalist State:A New Theory of Chi......
The Taoist philosophy on ecological ethics focuses on the independence of the principle that “Tao keeps to nature”and ......
Industry-specific human capital,knowledge labour, and industry wage structure in Taiwan/K-K.Tang and Y-P.Tseng//Applied ......
Urban environment encompasses ecological andcultural environments.Any change in the first will invite corre-sponding ch......
In some extent, whether the architectural education is failure or successful immediately decides the quality of the arch......
Improving Health Services for Rural Pregnant and Lying-in Women——Achievements in the Reproductive He
FROM 1992 to 1997, the All-China Women’s Federation organized and implemented a reproductive health program for Chines......
IN recent years.Li Yinhe, a researcherwith the China Academy of SocialSciences,has become conspicuous in theresearch of......
With the rapidly growing evidence that various systems in nature and society can be modeled as complex networks,communit......
Previous trust models are mainly focused on reputational mechanism based on explicit trust ratings.However, the large am......
The Nobel prize foreconomics was awardedyesterday(8Oct ) to ThomasSchelling and Robert Aumann fortheir individual contri......
Ecological Marxism Economics is a new economics formation of Marxism. The article, for the first time, putsforward the s......
1 The River at the Center of the World: A Journey Up the Yangtze and Back in Chinese Time《长江万里行:一条时间之河的故事......
This paper examined epistemological directions of studies related to attitudes toward persons with disabilities and revi......
About the author: Chen Yiyun graduated from the Russian Language and Literature Departraent at Beijing University in 19......
After this year’s ninth suicide at Foxconn on May 14, Dr. Lu Huilin, an associate sociology professor at Peking Univers......
Over a long period, literary and artisticcircles have rarely analyzed dominant Marx-ist literary theory to make clear wh......
With the development of science, the methods and the views or scientitic researcn changed from analyses to syntheses. R......
通过对社会学、经济学和建设学综合研究 ,分析了城市社区弱势群体的基本属性、主要构成和存在的居住问题 ,提出了建立社区弱势群体......
The Effective Prevention and Cure of HIV/AIDS Must Be Fulfilled through the Common Advance-ment of M
At present more and more innovativemodels have appeared on the basis of pastpractice in HIV/AIDS social theories, e.g.,t......
Ⅰ.Urbanization and modern social transformation Urbanization is a sociology concept which is a process of social devel......
A sociology professor’s retrospective look at China’s momentous changes ‘Compared to our generation,the youth of toda......
第14届世界社会学大会(World Congress of Sociology)于1998年7月26日至8月1日在加拿大蒙特利尔召开,来自世界100多个国家的4132......
1.Introduction English learning is a complex process which is relevant to many factors such as linguistics,psychology,so......
Scholars from environmental psychology,geography, disaster science, and sociology have recently focused attention on eva......